How to safely change DNS with DNSSEC activated?

Changing DNS settings when DNSSEC is activated requires careful steps to avoid disruptions and potential downtime. Here’s a recommended process:

1. Log in to your account

Navigate to the login page and log in with your account credentials.

2. Navigate to 'My Domains' page

Once logged in, find the section labeled 'My Domains'. This section lists all the domains you have registered with your account.

3. Access DNS Management

1. Select the Domain

From the list of domains, select the domain for which you want to activate DNSSEC.

2. Go to DNS Management Section

After selecting the domain, look for the DNS management section and press 'Manage' button.

4. Change DNS

  • Park domain -> Use external DNS server
  • Park domain -> Use Svenska Domaner's DNS servers
  • Use Svenska Domaner's DNS servers -> Use external DNS server
  • Use external DNS server -> Use Svenska Domaner's DNS servers

If you take some of this changes you will get notified with the warning message bellow the DNS options. 

5. Wait 24 Hours

After disabling DNSSEC, wait at least 24 hours. This period allows the changes to propagate across the internet and ensures that cached records are updated.

6. Disable DNSSEC at the DNS Provider

After the initial waiting period, disable DNSSEC at your DNS provider. This step involves removing the DNSSEC records, such as RRSIG, DNSKEY, and DS records.

7. Change Name Servers

Once DNSSEC is fully disabled and records are cleared, proceed with changing the name servers to your new DNS provider.

8. Wait Another 24 Hours

Again, wait for 24 hours to allow the new name server settings to propagate.

9. Re-enable DNSSEC

After ensuring that the new name servers are correctly propagating, re-enable DNSSEC. This process includes generating new DNSSEC DS records and adding the appropriate DS records back at the registrar.

It’s crucial to perform these steps in the correct order and allow adequate time for DNS changes to propagate to avoid downtime or security issues. Be patient as DNS changes can take time to fully propagate depending on the top-level domain and caching settings.

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